

Please scroll down to see the Donate Buttons and Rewards


The first big project for Achón is to produce a documentary film. It follows the footsteps of the award-winning documentary on the ranch culture of Baja California, “ Corazon Vaquero”.

• It is La Recua (aka Dario’s Dream), a documentary film about early California trail-transport by burros and herdsmen (arrieros). Dario and his team have ridden, and we have filmed, for twenty days while moving traditional goods from Comondú to La Paz in Mar./Apr. 2018.

Phase 1 - May 2017 to March 2018 - almost a year of research and planning. Completed.

Phase 2 of the project - March 25th to April 16th - 23 days of filming. Completed.

Phase 3 - Making the film - editing, sound, mastering, and marketing. May. 2018 to November 2019.

At this time (September 2019) donations are needed for a total of $33,000 dollars

(about 30%) for post-production - to complete Phase 3.







2 Trailers from the Trail


  1  -  Dario's Dream

2  -  Tradition and Change in Baja California


The trailer from the film will be ready in late fall 2019, but meanwhile... we can show you some great shots of La Recua traveling down the peninsula: gorgeous scenes from 20 days on the trail.

We filmed the ride … You can help us make the film!


200 miles of trail-travel, 12 donkeys, 12 mules, 5 packers, 4 filming crew, - and 1 amazing story to tell.

Donate Today

for some fun

Recua-Related Rewards

The button below will give you a personal option for a one-time amount you want to share. It will take you to the Saddling South secure-payment page, where you may make a deposit via Paypal or your credit cardMil Gracias !

(Recua-Reward button coming soon)



If you would like to make a tax-free donation and receive a receipt, please use

(Donate button coming soon)

for LA RECUA Documentary

via From The Heart Productions and Network for Good - our fiscal sponsors.

If your small or large donation does not need to be tax deductible, please click on the

Recua-Reward button above

and follow the steps for payment with Credit Card or Paypal.


Mil Gracias, from Trudi Angell and the ACHóN Cactus-Core-Compadres:

Erik Stevens, Eve Ewing, Teddi Montes, John Rebman, John Swift, Christy Walton, Tom Huntington, Harry & Leslie Morgan, Kathy & Chuck Mitchell, Larry & Charmaine Dekker, Mardi & Brown Cannon, Ron Smith, Lindalou & Michael Ryge, Hans Anger, Steve Jenkins, Jaquelin Verdugo, Stephanie White, Anna Mallin, John Karon, Susan Goldbach, Vicki Smith, Andy Schouten,Jana McDonough, Linn Harter, Catherine and Tom Tyrell, and many more

Your Name Here



ACHóN - Rewards & Categories

for La Recua documentary Donations

Supporting Levels -

$20 - A Big Burro Kiss card, and a Baja-Coffee-Filter. The filter is no joke! It’s re-useable, it’s traditional, and it will impress your café-drinking amigos - it’s so cool.

$35 The above, plus: a Corazon Vaquero dvd – Wonderful insights to the ranching lifestyle and living history on Mexico’s Lower California peninsula. An award-winning documentary produced in 2008 and still popular with visitors and locals all over Baja. (“…viewers see the harmony, hospitality and humor… of this culture.. as they share their traditions…” ) English w/ some spoken Spanish. Unlimited – ready to send now, summer 2019. 

$50 - The above, plus: A digital copy of La Recua. Unlimited – “The above” is available in 2019; And La Recua digital copy is available in Winter 2019. More Burro Kisses if you like!

ACHON Levels -

Spark / Chispa - $100 – All of the above, plus: a digital or dvd copy of La Recua, … plus a traditional Baja cowboy-coffee enameled cup or a Big Burro Kiss mug – AND your name up in lights with a Special Gracias! in the film credits.

Flame / Llama - $250 - You receive all of the above plus: plus, a copy of the book, The Bare-Toed Vaquero, by Peter Marchand – a prosaic photo-journey into the heart of Baja California’s ranch culture. “Seldom does a work allow us into the homes of such a remote people in such a personal way – in both words and pictures.”  

Torch / Achón - $500 - All of the above, plus: An invitation to a Premiere or Festival Screening (either in Alta or Baja California). (“above” items will be available 2019/202.  Film as digital or dvd, and the screening date(s) in US or Mexico will be announced – travel not included) .

Campfire / Fogata - $1000 - $3500 - Please contact Trudi for Rewards information from: "House-Parties with Music" to Deluxe Custom Tours with some of the film's cast and crew.

Hearth / Hornilla - $5000 –You receive all of the above; Plus credit-mention as Associate Producer; Plus film previews as they are ready, and voice on an advisory council for the film at the editing stage.

MORE ? Please contact Trudi at tourloreto@aol.com if you are interested in donating at Producer Levels.

Thank you for your interest in preserving the

Unique Cultural Heritage of Lower California.

Mil Gracias !

See short clips about the intent of the film on this page. See Facebook Posts from the Ride.


More Projects Coming Up -

Send the Stars of Corazon Vaquero fame to the Todos Santos Film Festival - Thanks ! You donated $1012 dollars and they had a great trip to Todos Santos March 10th to 12th, 2018. Luis Arce, Guti Higuera, Ricardo Arce, Alicia Arce, and 3 year-old Esteban Arce, Santos Arce, Rebeca Arce, Che Martinez, and Manuel Pilar Arce all send a Grande Gracias!

Fund Vaqueros Back to Elko, Nevada for the January 2021 National Cowboy Poetry Gathering - amount tba

Support a Loreto Gallery of Antigua California Heritage - 2020 - archiving oral histories, attractive cultural history displays, a great community effort to honor the original Californios and their descendants still living in Loreto and its mountain ranches and villages. We had a sucessful Vaquero Expo in Oct/Nov. 2018 in the village of San Javier. Now we're. looking for a great location in Loreto for 2019/2020.

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